The most powerful live action role-playing game / alternate reality game in the world, in which actors, in all countries, play their own characters (in a storytelling adventure) through interactions and physical actions in a 100% real environment!
An ecological and spiritual societal empire building game based on experimental practices (Nordic style) and a transmedia narrative that integrates all socioeconomic dimensions (i.e. anthropological, cultural, spiritual, social, economic, political, diplomatic and geopolitical).
A highly experiential and consciousness transforming game in which people act as the reformers of all structures and codes of society.
A highly participatory transnational game designed to achieve an environmental, societal, political and educational objective.
A strategy game focusing on the collaboration and collective creation is playing both online and offline!
An atypical game not limited in time, space and number of participants!
Live action role-playing games
Alternate reality games
Massively Multiplayer Real-Time Strategy Games
Cathar movement
Templar Knights and Commanderies
Star Wars and Jedi Knights
Strategy game "Civilization" and Strategy game "Ages of Empires"
Transmedia narration
Intellectual cooperation, Artistic cooperation, Decentralized cooperation, Intergenerational cooperation, Interdisciplinary cooperation and Inter-municipal cooperation
Intergovernmental Organizations, Geopolitics and Global Governance
Cryptocurrencies and Alternative Currencies
Terraforming, Climate Engineering and Geoengineering
Forest planet and forest governance
Natural agriculture, Permaculture, Agroecology, Agroforestry, Subsistence agriculture, Electroculture, Magnetoculture, Biodynamics and Food autonomy
Fantasy Realms and Alternate Worlds
Monarchies and Empires
King-Philosopher and Knightly Order
Political philosophy and Utopia
Plato and Socrates
National cohesion, Social peace and Diplomacy
Ethics, Social Justice, Equity and Solidarity
Empowerment of Peoples and Empowerment of Nations
Fantastic Architecture, Ancient Architecture, Lunar Architecture and Modular Architecture
Geobiology and shape waves
Participatory engineering, Co-creation, Major reform projects, Development projects and Project incubators
Ideal cities, Plant cities, Self-managed cities, “Food bank” cities and City-States
Revitalization of territories
Golden Age and Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction
Spirituality and Theology
Social engineering (social sciences)
Well-being, Holistic Medicine and Naturotherapy
Free energy, Alternative energies, Piezoelectricity, Ferroelectricity, Solar energy, Wind energy and Hydroelectricity
Natural food, Vegetarian food, Biogenic food and Bioactive food
New movement of "RENAISSANCE"
Literature, Audio-visual, Media, Art and Concept Art
Tales, Poems, Novels, Short stories, Essays, Comics, Graphic novels, Brochures, Documentaries, Films and Animated Films, Television and Music
The goal is to collectively found a new, just and balanced civilization and to transform the earth into a non-hostile forest planet in which living things thrive.
Each user becomes a stakeholder in the construction of the future global civil society and in its self-regulation based on universal ethical principles.
The conception of this transnational alternate reality game goes through a very elaborate scenario. Very close to that of a movie. The scenario is thus based on the “transmedia storytelling”. The latter is a method of developing works of fiction, documentaries or even entertainment products which is characterized by the combined use of several media to develop a narrative framework, each media developing different content.
In order to immerse yourself in the game and soak up the rich and captivating universe, many media are therefore gradually made available to users around the world: Literary works (tales, poems, novels, short stories, essays, tapes comics, graphic novels, brochures), Explanatory and narrative videos, Video documentaries, Films and animated films, Television, Music, Concept art images, Other art forms, Computer graphics, Web articles, Press articles, Official documents belonging to the EL4DEV Confederation / Green Empire of the East and the West (passports), online collaborative tools, transnational cooperation events, physical embassies, etc.
The immersion of players has consequences for them, in particular through the desired confusion between reality and fiction. The border between play and reality is imperceptible and extremely porous. As a result, everything that happens in the game (actions taken) automatically has lasting repercussions beyond the game (usual environment).
Throughout the whole world, cooperation connections and dynamics of progress are born; a new world is being built by the will and the contribution of each one under the impetus of the game.
game can exist if and only if there is a community. The game is
built for a global community and can only work with them. By its transmedia
essence, the game is deeply linked to web 2.0 as
well as to the development of social networks. The web
community is the essence of the game.
The community creates itself among the players.
The community must participate in the launch and the realization of many Pharaonic projects on the whole planet. Several tools are then made available to players around the world:
The participatory multidisciplinary engineering program named "EL4DEV" is the process, the global mechanism of societal change.
The sub-program of experimental, tourist and educational cities, then of mainly plant-based eco-landscape complexes, all agro-climatic, self-regulated and interconnected, called “LE PAPILLON SOURCE” is the tool for bringing people together, the common denominator between the nations integrating the game. It represents the direction in which to look. These infrastructures are the foundations and the “commanderies” of the Green Empire of the East and West.
The inter-municipal cooperation sub-program called “THE MUNICIPALITIES COUNTER-ATTACK” is the mechanism for creating positive territorial dynamics. It is, within this framework, the process of creation of agreements, of main financing of the infrastructures of the Green Empire of the East and West and of equitable distribution of wealth within territories and nations.
The vertical infrastructures called "Green / Vegetal / Plant calderas" are the key agro-climatic pioneer units to begin the construction of all the infrastructures of the Green Empire of the East and West, independently of the geographical environments and climates.
Transnational events called "The Transnational Cooperation Initiatives (Intellectual and Artistic)" make up the decentralized cooperation mechanism within nations and between peoples of the world to build the foundations of the Green Empire of the East and West.
The diplomatic model called “Societal Diplomacy” is the ideology of any international cooperation initiative.
The territories in which cooperation events begin are the centers of a new cultural and philosophical movement called "The EL4DEV second Renaissance movement".
The EL4DEV Information System (set of interconnected web platforms) is the online self-learning tool through collective experience and channeling of actions carried out in the four corners of the world. It is also the interface for real-time measurement, monitoring and modeling of the territorial dynamics of progress created. A key element of this information system is called the EL4DEV Strategic Deployment Tool.
The EL4DEV confederation : the birth and development of a powerful societal empire integrating all the nations of the East, West, North and South
An ecological, intellectual, artistic and highly enterprising empire with an innovative vision, guided by moral philosophy and acting for a global unification under the banner of spirituality
Foundation of an alternative United Nations organization with a societal vocation initiating many Politico-Societal Unions
An empire based on a vast program of participatory multidisciplinary engineering, a mechanism of societal change and decentralized cooperation called "EL4DEV"
Become all active citizen-members of the Green Empire of the East and the West by acquiring your passport.
Take part in the construction of a powerful empire articulated around magnificent cities and experimental interconnected plant complexes on all the continents called "LE PAPILLON SOURCE"
Collectively build a new, just, balanced and prosperous civilization
The equivalent of a massively multi-user real-time strategy game (close to the ideology of the “Civilization” and “Age of Empires” games) - But not virtual!
The stake for humanity: we all easily perceive the clear signs of the collapse of our civilization. The turbulence linked to the passage from the current era to the next seems, however, to be useful in raising the awareness of the world population. It is time for humanity to rethink, reform and plant the seeds of a radical change that will allow us to evolve into a different situation.
It is time for a new actor-facilitator to embody the collective destiny of peoples and become the main level for building social cohesion, redistribution and solidarity. The goal is then to establish a new philosophical tradition and then to model and strengthen the progressive construction of an ethical international community.
The reasons for the current collapse:
Massive deforestation has had and will have an increasingly strong impact on climate change. It will continue to lead to soil erosion and siltation of waterways, which will reduce access to drinking water; both in quality and quantity. The disappearance of nature will make people even more dependent on the economic system for their survival.
The loss of biodiversity, negative changes in the environment, genetic modification and the patentability of living things are the signs of the onset of mass extinction.
The major post-COVID economic crisis that will occur will lead to a significant increase in unemployment, as well as precariousness and poverty. The affected populations will then see their living conditions deteriorate. There will of course be immediate consequences: stress, anxiety for the future, increased violence...
The overconsumption of natural resources will lead the world population to decline, starting with the poorest.
The significant economic difference between the elites and the rest of the population will irreparably cause a major famine which will spread rapidly and consequently cause the death of the majority of the population.
The growing religious and ethnic communitarianism within each nation presides over the break-up of social bodies. If a social body no longer exists, the general interest disappears.
Class, racial and gender struggles, false debates staged by the media, individuals and NGOs all unmanned, also increase the existing divisions and strongly accentuate this fragmentation of social bodies. Without intervention, this will lead nations straight into potentially devastating civil wars.
Mass immigration represents a lose-lose scenario. The so-called developed host countries with underemployed economies are unable to absorb the world's misery. Uncontrolled immigration undeniably fragments the social bodies of nations through a de facto increase in poverty and communitarianism.
The progressive destruction throughout the world of cohesion and family values leads more and more to moral degradation on society and on children.
The growing individualism in modern societies manifested by a decline in militant action
The old diplomatic model, mainly centered around economic relations, is at the origin of the imbalances. This only bases state decision-making on cross-border economic activities, effectively excluding the vast majority of societal aspects. Consequently, the vast majority of states are no longer the authorizing officers.
We must then create a last-ditch alternative, create a counter-power.
It is with the objective of providing an effective and proportionate solution to this global crisis and then gradually reforming the system which turns out to be obsolete that Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART, officially proclaims, on Friday May 21, 2021 in Léognan, in New Aquitaine, France, the "EL4DEV Confederation" otherwise called "Green Empire of the East and the West", a new supranational entity with a societal vocation and becomes de facto the Green Emperor of the East and the West alias “Henry Harper”.
The Green Empire of the East and the West is imbued with the ideology of micronations, i.e. micro-states created from scratch (alter-states) around the world by individuals seceding virtually and symbolically aiming to be recognized for some and to revitalize their territories for others.
However, the EL4DEV Confederation or Green Empire of the East and the West is not a micronation. It presents itself as an innovative organizational structure, an international organization with the vocation of supporting all peoples and nations around the world.
It is an appropriate, efficient, societal and ethical alternative to the current United Nations (UN).
The EL4DEV confederation or the Green Empire of the East and the West is therefore an international organization with multiple legal entities bringing together, through numerous agreements, several peoples, municipalities and nations of the world around the desire to liberate and transmute trans-generational memories of humanity which will bring to an end repetitive patterns and pathogenic emotions generating discomfort and therefore conflicts.
The EL4DEV confederation is based on the participatory social engineering program "EL4DEV" which is at the same time a social, economic, cultural and political vision of emancipation and empowerment of peoples then a movement / mechanism which aims to unify them in a global community respectful of all life.
It is a providential counter-power to economic power. It is the unexpected diplomatic tool of a new so-called societal globalization (that is to say a globalization with a human face).
The core of its principle consists in the certainty that the peoples of the whole world, regardless of their gender, physical characteristics, socio-cultural origins and religious affiliations, undeniably share a common destiny and that their social and spiritual progress is linked to their unity .
The ultimate objective of the EL4DEV social engineering program is the realization of several integrated politico-societal unions of several peoples, municipalities (villages and towns) and nations of the world.
In the political domain, a confederation is a lasting association of states or municipalities (refer to the sub-program “THE MUNICIPALITIES COUNTER-ATTACK”) which, in order to better defend common interests (in our case societal and environmental interests), put themselves under the dependence (and therefore coordination) of a common central body without giving up their autonomy in other areas.
The word "confederation" is thus opposed to that of federation. In a confederation, the sovereignty belongs exclusively (or mainly) to entities that make up the whole. In a federation, “national power” is shared between the federal state and the federated states; sovereignty is then held solely by the federal government.
The notion of empire is rather vague, because it does not refer to a precise political organization. This term is used to designate both republics and monarchies, or confederations.
More and more people are calling for a strengthening of the global capacity to regulate markets and international relations. Even today, these international relations are still supposed to relate to the interests of certain states rather than to ethical standards and then to positive and rational exchanges. So people are looking for another globalization - an alternative globalization - a different globalization - a globalization with a human face.
The incompleteness and ineffectiveness of international institutions call for urgent responses to be found in the form of collective actions carried out by the entire international community. However, the exercises of drafting proposals for global governance are frequent but many concern the creation of a few new institutions. Historically, these public institutions have acted without real interpenetration, isolated from each other, that is to say without using the strength of all collective intelligence. It also seems that current regulations are not up to the level of interdependencies.
The current and numerous international politico-economic unions / organizations, taking the name of "Intergovernmental Groupings", such as the European Union, the African Union, the Union for the Mediterranean, the Arab League, etc. are only intended to promote trade / economic agreements benefiting only the very wealthy private actors at their head .
Opaque Political-Military-Economic institutions / organizations such as the
UN, IMF, World Bank, OECD, WTO, etc. as well as the overwhelming majority of
national / transnational central banks and development banks have the sole
objective of obtaining constantly strengthened influence and control over local
The challenge for our society today is to collectively influence the fate of the world by establishing a system to regulate these numerous interactions which go far beyond the action of States. Thus, it becomes very necessary to set up a powerful system of solidarity and distribution on a global scale.
The diplomatic action plan of the EL4DEV Confederation / Green Empire of the East and the West:
Set up positive initiatives and efficient processes (interconnected multifunctional educational cities + transnational intellectual and artistic cooperation events + Information Systems) in favor of the export and the promotion of a new philosophical culture
Promote a new model of ethical development whose indicators of success are the societal progress of nations, intellectual progress and the degree of cross-functional cooperation of peoples
No longer talk about traditional indicators such as the geoeconomic density of a country, a continent or a geographical, geocultural or geoeconomic space but of geo-societal density, geo-intellectual density or geo-creative density
Allow the travel of various "ambassadors" of this new philosophy (heads of state, philosophers, scientists, inventors, artists, crossdisciplinary students, all at the same time humanists, visionaries, and seeking a global peace, an opulence and a dignity for humanity) not in an “economic diplomacy” dimension but in a “societal and cultural diplomacy” dimension.
Create prototypes of societal, intellectual and artistic “markets” in the world
Founding, thanks to the process of societal change EL4DEV, new “political-societal” associations
Make certain spaces models of success, showcases of a better humanity, spaces of international influence and spaces of positive influence for the rest of the world
Make certain spaces the foci of a new period of "RENAISSANCE" whose dynamics of opening the mind and sharing of knowledge and resources then of massive co-creation will be exported at very high speed (thanks to the EL4DEV program ) all over the planet
Export these efficient models of development and societal functioning as well as the EL4DEV mechanism to other geoeconomic, geocultural or geographical spaces
Creation thereafter:
of a Mediterranean Societal Union (the countries integrating this grouping are not limited to the Mediterranean area alone),
of an African Societal Union (the countries integrating this grouping of not limited to the only African space),
of an European Societal Union (the countries integrating this grouping are not limited to the only European area),
of an American Societal Union (the majority of the countries integrating this grouping are countries more or less bordering the Atlantic Ocean, however other countries are added to the grouping),
of an Asian Societal Union (the countries integrating this grouping are not limited to the only Asian space),
of a Pacific Societal Union (the majority of the countries integrating this grouping are countries more or less bordering the Pacific Ocean, however other countries are added to the grouping),
of an Oceanian Societal Union (the majority of the countries integrating this grouping are countries more or less bordering the Indian Ocean, however other countries are added to the grouping)
The EL4DEV confederation is called “Green Empire” because of its cross-national program of participatory design, collective construction and operational management of a set of experimental, agro-climatic, agro-tourism, educational, self-managed and interconnected cities and plant complexes through the world named "LE PAPILLON SOURCE".
"LE PAPILLON SOURCE" is also a mechanism for rapid re-vegetation of all deserts and other inhospitable areas as well as those abandoned, deforested and degraded by intensive agriculture and pollution.
It is also named for her vision: “2030, forest planet” proposing new global forest governance. In this context, LE PAPILLON SOURCE INNER AFRICA, Ngompem, Cameroon, is an experimental spokesperson project to intelligently use the untapped potential of our forests and convey a strong message to the international community.
"LE PAPILLON SOURCE" is in short a participatory cross-national terraforming sub-program (process of transformation of the natural environment).
The EL4DEV confederation is called the "Green Empire of the East and the West" in reference to the ancient Roman Empire of West and East (the IVth century, the Roman Empire was divided into two parts: The Western Roman Empire and the Roman Empire of East.).
The Green Empire of the East and the West is not split into two distinct groups. All the nations of the world located to the west of Greece (from the North to the South of the world map) belong to the West and to the East all the nations of the world located on the same longitude (21.824312) as well as 'in eastern Greece (from north to south of the world map).
The "Green Empire of the East and the West" is a beneficent empire rallying all countries / nations of the West, East, North and South.
The Green Empire of the East and the West is a new kind of chivalrous order. Its philosophy is similar in many ways to that of the "Cathar" medieval European religious movement and the religious military order of the Temple.
The Cathars: the Cathars were Christians who wanted to lead a Christian life and return to original Christianity. The Cathars crystallized a European movement that aimed not to conform to a rich and enslaving Church.
The Knights of the Order of the Temple (Templars): Bearers of values, faithful to their commitments, proud of their faith, such were the Templars. Lions in wartime, lambs in peacetime, warrior monks, protectors of pilgrims, keepers of relics, guarantors of financial transactions, managers of estates… they were all of these, but much more.
These two currents - religious movement and military order - lived at the same time of the previous Era.
It is true that these two entities were brought together by the same time, the same need for perfection, the same tragic end and identical tolerances. They also shared popular themes such as chastity, poverty, morality, vegetarianism, respect for the “living” and fidelity to faith in a God during the Middle Ages.
It has also been reported that they opted for Manichean teaching (a mixture of influences from Judaism, Buddhism, Brahmanism and Christianity). According to Manichaeism, Good is associated with the kingdom of Light, while Evil is associated with the kingdom of Darkness. This fight between Good and Evil is one of the foundations of Manichaeism.
These new beliefs led to reform during the Middle Ages. They were not only based on critiques of the Old and New Testaments (bible), but also on the search for a more popular language. This language did not derive from the culture of theologians; it was within the reach of the humble. The first adherents of the Order of the Temple use a simple language, that of the underprivileged and the needy. A barrier was thus born between the church and the people.
It was inevitable that the Military and Religious Order of the Templars and the Cathar movement had connections. They existed in a similar space-time: essentially medieval Languedoc (former region of the South of France). Catharism emerged in Europe, just as the Order of the Temple was present in Europe as it was in the Holy Land. The two come from Christianity and are only linked by this religious and societal origin.
Like the thought in these two streams, the religious / spiritual thought in the Green Empire of the East and the West is a thought without nuances, even simplistic, where the Good and the Evil are clearly defined and separated .
Religious / spiritual thought in the Green Empire of the East and the West also parallels Sufi thought in many ways.
Sufism finds its foundations in the Koranic revelation and is present since the origins of the prophetic revelation of Islam. Sufism refers to what is referred to in Islam as "ihsan / excellence", which itself is worshiping God as if we saw him, i.e. Sufism aims to lead the initiate to vision and contemplation, which moreover differentiates him from other sciences which are based on efforts of thought, while the realized being obtains his science directly by unveiling and vision.
Sufism professes that all reality has an apparent exterior aspect (exoteric) and a hidden interior aspect (esoteric). Sufism doctrine is characterized by the search for a spiritual state which allows access to this hidden knowledge.
These experimental cities and eco-landscape complexes are all self-managed and are similar in many ways to the commanderies of the military religious orders of the Middle Ages (such as that of the Templar Knights). These are the infrastructures of the chivalrous order of the Green Empire of the East and the West :
These structures are the foundations of a spiritual and philosophical order, of a new cultural movement with a vocation to expand.
They are the place of formation of the peoples and the Knights of the Empire: Chief Ambassadors of the Nations (Kings-philosophers) and Affiliate Ambassadors of the Nations (circles of wise men).
They are similar to gigantic and beautiful fortified rural estates.
LE PAPILLON SOURCE designates various national constituencies made up either of a tourist mother city and several satellite eco-landscape complexes, all self-regulated and interconnected, or only of several satellite eco-landscape complexes . These places are sources of considerable income and places of gathering of skills which allow the Empire to set up and organize many societal projects.
These are, in a way, large fortified experimental and educational farms comprising various buildings necessary for the life and activity of its visitors (accommodation, restaurants, conference rooms, experimental museums, entrepreneurial workshop rooms, schools and alternative universities, wellness areas, libraries, gardens, water basins and ecological swimming pools, areas of agricultural production in polycultures, etc.).
These infrastructures ensure the production of many foodstuffs. They play an important societal role at regional level, by distributing surpluses free of charge to non-profit organizations and to the most disadvantaged individuals. They allow the enhancement of rural territories, through work to create agricultural eco-landscape spaces, the regeneration and improvement of local ecosystems and the tourist attraction they offer. Each structure may be mainly specialized in one type of production, but monocultures are prohibited. Individuals working on behalf of the Empire are employed there to maintain them.
It is therefore a question of hospital places installed on strategic locations or isolated and neglected territories within each nation of the world. They also allow local and regional populations to benefit from assistance, rest, education and comfort.
"All the states of the world are born from factual situations which have subsequently been made legal. "
However, the EL4DEV Confederation / Green Empire of the East and the West is not a state. It therefore does not secede from the current states.
The EL4DEV Confederation / Green Empire of the East and the West is a supranational entity operating through various bodies (non-profit associations, Societal Economic Interest Groups, etc.) ; its object is the accompaniment in the societal development, the development of consciousness, knowledge, free will, non-nuisance and the empowerment of peoples as well as cooperation between all the nations of the world.
The EL4DEV Confederation / Green Empire of the East and the West is de facto legalized. It operates with all existing recognized and unrecognized nations.
The EL4DEV confederation / Green Empire of the East and the West will recognize and cooperate with any micronation (nation not recognized by the international community):
proposing an alternative and complementary model of citizenship based on ethics
defending the environment, respecting all forms of life, and promoting spirituality
calling for citizens' initiative and solidarity
working for cooperation, the social and solidarity economy, the revitalization of territories
working with sincerity for good local or global causes
The EL4DEV confederation / Green Empire of the East and the West intends to coordinate and facilitate the development of the latter by interconnecting them through various tools.
The fictional narratives of literary works that are an integral part of the game's cross-media narrative have as their context a golden age / a new era (post-modern era close to ours, since post-COVID, post global economic crisis, post crises social, and post climatic and environmental disasters).
The golden age in question was gradually established by a supranational organization made up of multiple legal entities: the “Green Empire of the East and the West”, also called “The EL4DEV Confederation”. This vast societal empire was founded and is ruled by a mysterious man who, in the eyes of the world, and unexpectedly has self-proclaimed himself: the Green Emperor of the East and the West.
These utopian-style philosophical narratives, which can be considered as a sort of societal outlook and all forming a transnational political vision, describe an ideal and well-structured alternative society. They plunge the reader into the heart of a new kind of empire that is at once ecological, intellectual, artistic, spiritual and highly enterprising, the foundations of which are equity, justice for all and respect for the living - An empire which, Through the construction of vertical eco-landscape plant structures and self-managed educational agricultural garden cities all over the world, the astonishing project is to modify the appearance of the earth and transform it into a veritable forest planet ...
In short, these are several thrilling travel and adventure stories (often articulated around major events, flirting with science fiction (because of futuristic scenarios) and the fantastic (because it is indeed our world which appears however transformed, fanciful and ideal).
The stories are lived and narrated by central characters (men, women or children) around whom several secondary characters revolve.
Date of official proclamation of Confederation / Empire : Friday, May 21, 2021
Place of official proclamation of the Confederation / Empire : Léognan, Gironde, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Confederation / Empire Name : The EL4DEV Confederation also referred to as the Green Empire of the East and the West
Founder of the Confederation / Empire : Mr Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART, alias “Henry Harper”
Territories belonging to the Confederation / Empire : The empire is opposed to private property , especially for the use of land. In principle, land should only “belong” to the person or people who work it in the service of the community.
This opposition to private property is reflected in its sub-program THE MUNICIPALITIES COUNTER-ATTACK. The numerous infrastructures created are the exclusive properties of national groupings of municipalities linked by management contracts (no equity securities of private actors). The benefits derived from their operation (environmental, agricultural, societal or economic) are equitably distributed among the municipalities that are members. The latter have the obligation to benefit local populations with equity and the formal prohibition of privatizing them.
If the confederation / empire comes to acquire land or infrastructure of any kind, their objective will only be to serve the general interest.
Characteristics of the Confederation / Empire : Supranational ecological, spiritual and highly enterprising entity promoting intellectual, cultural and artistic investment - Empire with a societal vocation
Particularity of the Confederation / Empire : Supranational entity piloted by several organs (interconnected moral entities) advocating and working for the empowerment and union of the peoples and nations of the world as well as the regeneration and improvement of all terrestrial ecosystems
The EL4DEV confederation / Green Empire of the East and the West aims to rally all the nations of the West to those of the East / all of the North to those of the South.
The participatory / societal / educational program "EL4DEV" which is its tool is managed by a French non-profit organization called "LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV". This program, as well as the organization which carries it, were both founded by Mr Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART.
Means of interconnection between peoples, municipalities and nations in the Confederation / Empire : Different agreements, management contracts, constitutive contracts, Inter-municipal societal Economic Interest Groups , virtual and non-virtual events of decentralized transnational cooperation and a vast EL4DEV information system
Political system of the Confederation / Empire : Highly participatory absolute monarchy - Supranational ministry of public order acting as a self-proclaimed and recognized agent of cohesion within nations, international peace as well as respect for nature and living beings.
The sovereign (Green Emperor of the East and the West) acts as a positive guide and guarantor of the proper conduct of societal development processes within each of the nations.
The populations of each of the nations can take the initiative and participate intensely in all the reform projects of the empire. They are included in the process of governance of nations and of world governance.
Sovereign and self-appointed guide of the Confederation / Empire : Green Emperor of the East and the West alias Henry Harper, founder and director of the societal change program named "EL4DEV".
Characteristics of the sovereign of the Confederation / Empire : Philosopher king as Plato explains it in "The republic" (ideal ruler of the ideal city). For Plato, the philosopher does not desire power, so his disinterestedness allows him to make good use of it.
"So mankind will not put an end to its evils until the race of those who, in rectitude and truth, devote themselves to philosophy has acceded to political authority or only those who are in power in the cities do not really devote themselves to philosophy, by virtue of some divine dispensation."
Nationalities of the sovereign and guide of the Confederation / Empire : French and Cameroonian (at birth)
Country of birth and childhood of the sovereign and guide of the Confederation / Empire : Cameroon
Country of residence of the sovereign and guide of the Confederation / Empire : France
Headquarters of the Confederation / Empire : France
Confederation / Empire Population : All true spiritual oriented individuals worldwide
Confederation / Empire Doctrines : Similar to the doctrine of the Cathar movement ( based on respect for all life, fairness, justice for everyone and truth ) - The Green Empire of the East and the West follows the equality of all persons and the principles of natural laws which are manifested through the observation of nature.
The Green Empire of the East and the West follows the principle of the community of goods and the equitable sharing of working time in the service of the community. The distribution of products and goods is regulated by benevolent magistrates (circles of wise men) who carefully ensure that everyone is paid according to their merit, their good works and their involvement in the development of society. However, nothing that is necessary for him is denied to anyone (healthy housing, natural food, quality water, multidisciplinary knowledge considered basic).
To ensure that the good develops everywhere; The Empire creates social rules that serve the interests of the people and promote efforts by all to do well.
The general interest takes precedence over that of the individual.
The Green Empire of the East and the West is deeply metaphysician. Metaphysics is a philosophical science which first questions the existence of things or events as they appear to us, and which then tries to describe and explain what really exists. The Empire integrates the “first philosophy” (studies the first causes of things) in the teaching which it offers to the populations of the world and promotes “metaphysical meditations” (philosophical think tanks).
Similar to the idea of the philosopher Socrates, on the subject of the roles of men and women, in the empire there is no function exclusively assigned to men or women, on the basis of their sex; the two sexes participate in the same faculties; and the woman, like the man, is called by nature to all functions”.
Gradual decrease then refusal of meat food - Abstinence from animal food is not a privatization but a consequence of a total respect for all forms of life (refusal to commit violence against any creature).
Religions in the Confederation / Empire : All Western and Eastern spiritualities in their original forms (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, animism, shamanism, Catharism, paganism, New Age, Jediism) or fusion between these various spiritualities - By "Original", it is meant without rites or cultural traditions; that is to say, only centered on the spiritual aspect .
The confederation / empire accepts and recognizes spiritual secularism (or secular spirituality) which defines spirituality outside the various religious dogmas.
The confederation / empire formally recognizes the existence of a universal God / Great Creator Spirit / Vital Force / Source / Superior Benefactor Entity / Mysterious Metaphysical Entity / Ultimate Reality / First Principle (what everything comes from, what everything exists in and what how it all turns out).
Governance within the Nations of the Confederation / Empire : The institutions of these new kingships, which are not the governments of one but are plural, are in complete rupture with the royal and republican governments of the era preceding the current era.
Monarchs are the chief ambassadors of nations and the guarantors of justice, equity and the well-being of populations. They are supported by circles of ambassadors of nations (circles of wise men).
Peoples are highly active in the governance of nations as well as in global governance.
Code of conduct for leaders and ambassadors in the Confederation / Empire : The leaders of the various nations of the empire (Kings-Philosophers) and the various affiliated ambassadors of the nations (circles of sages) follow a code of conduct similar to the code of chivalry or close to the code of conduct for the Jedi Knights in the STAR WARS fictional universe (There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is Force).
Like the Green Emperor of the East and the West, the rulers of the various nations are also king-philosophers. The royalty of the king-philosopher or philosopher-king is the royalty of reason, heart and wisdom and is exercised both in the soul and in all the cities of nations.
Code of chivalry: frankness, fidelity to the word given, fight against injustice, defense of the weak, courtesy and wisdom for all, generosity towards all and commit to respecting a code of honor.
Code of the Jedi Knights:
Devote yourself to others,
Protect the weakest,
Control the strongest emotions such as anger, fear or love,
Always try to find peaceful solutions,
Any action must result from a long mental preparation in order to project oneself into the action in order to be as efficient as possible,
There is no such thing as luck, the way things unfold depends on how well you are prepared.
Rejections and prohibitions in the Confederation / Empire : The confederation / empire strongly rejects and firmly prohibits within it membership of any secret society and generally all selective sociability groups recruiting their members by co-option and / or practicing initiation rites referring to any secrets.
The confederation / empire prohibits personal enrichment. Its organizational structure does not allow its occurrence anyway.
Confederation / Empire Dependence : The Confederation / Empire is not subject to any earthly temporal or spiritual power.
Confederation / Empire Citizens : Anyone around the world who is respectful of their environment, their neighbor and all forms of life is automatically a citizen of the Confederation / Empire.
This can be formalized (if he wishes) as soon as he acquires a confederation / empire passport. The acquisition of a passport makes him an active citizen-member and explicitly represents a financial solidarity act stimulating the development of the empire and its ideology. The passport of the Green Empire of the East and the West is a sign of claim and recognition and does not replace the various national passports.
Alternative currencies used in the short term in the Confederation / Empire : The Green Empire of the East and the West initially chose to use gold.
Currency used long term in Confederation / Empire : The Green Empire of the East and the West claims, promotes and acts for a world without money (money being a social model that does not work). The goal is therefore ultimately to eliminate all “commercial” activity based on currencies (whatever they may be). The empire intends, instead, to gradually develop and promote the exchange of beneficent services / useful working time in the service of the community.
Principle: everyone must do something useful and benevolent (societal service) for others, society or the planet and will thus be rewarded by:
access to energy (100% green and alternative) (quantity adapted to the size of each family)
access to more knowledge
access to public transport (100% ecological)
access to various wellness services
access to many social activities
It is important to mention that access to healthy housing in excellent condition (adapted to the size of each family), to a 100% quality vegetable diet , to natural drinking water and to knowledge deemed basic is a universal right within the Green Empire of the East and the West .
Non-exhaustive list of services that can be rendered to the company in exchange for other services:
agricultural work
support for the education of populations of all ages
construction of infrastructure providing energy
revegetation of territories
creation or improvement of balanced ecosystems
maintenance of green spaces
construction of infrastructure providing water
housing construction
construction of transport infrastructure
construction of infrastructure for the well-being of people
holistic alternative medicine services
veterinary services
support for spirituality
participation or improvement of the participatory governance process
Infrastructures in the Confederation / Empire : The infrastructures of the Green Empire of the East and the West are organic (100% natural materials such as earth, stones, crystals and bamboo with the exception of wood which is prohibited) , self-supporting, resistant to earthquakes and cyclones. They are all modular:
Concrete earth domes of different sizes and interconnectable,
Pyramids made from stones and earth, multifunctional and vegetated,
Vertical metal structures assembled and heavily vegetated (Green / Vegetal / Plant calderas),
Bamboo assembled structures
The cities of the Green Empire of the East and the West are fanciful and strongly inspired by the architecture of cities built by ancient, mysterious and mythological civilizations, but also by contemporary oriental civilizations:
Berber architecture (especially from Tunisia: architecture 100% in raw earth (in the form of domes or dug underground) also used and reproduced for the fantastic sets of the planet “TATOOIN” in the fictional universe “STAR WARS”)
Architecture of ancient oriental civilizations (in particular the Persian and Mesopotamian civilizations)
African architecture (especially Sudanese-Sahelian and southern Morocco)
Ancient Egyptian, Greek, Inca, Mayan and Aztec type architecture
Mythological architecture (“Atlantis” type described by Plato)
Contemporary Asian-style ecological architecture (mainly using bamboo)
Lunar-type architecture
The empire relies on the railroad to develop its vector initiatives for empowerment, social peace, national cohesion and societal diplomacy. The railroad is for the empire a notable support for its action to revitalize the forgotten and neglected territories in each nation.
To do this, the empire establishes "Green / Vegetal / Plant Calderas" of different sizes along the lines of the railway network in each of the nations. These “Green / Vegetal / Plant Calderas” are true humidity generators, positive geoengineering tools and green lungs. These are eco-landscape and agro-climatic structures with mostly cubic proportions. They are the key modules of self-managed cities and complexes and food banks labelled LE PAPILLON SOURCE.
Within the Green Empire of the East and the West, it is recognized that all forms emit beneficial / beneficial or disturbing / harmful micro-vibratory energies which can be called "form waves". Everybody is a transmitter and sensor / receiver of form waves.
Generally rounded, flat, square / rectangular, gently sloping shapes, pleasant and cheerful patterned images, positive thoughts / words have beneficial effects (a concept frequently used in Feng Shui). It is for this reason that the Green Empire of the East and the West favors domes, cubic shape and pyramidal shape in its architecture.
Below are some links to conceptual images:
LE PAPILLON SOURCE according to Abdelaziz GHAZANI
LE PAPILLON SOURCE according to Christine OBERTHUR
Various images on LE PAPILLON SOURCE
Some presentations:
Self-managed cities Food banks - Agricultural-climatic and Agricultural-touristic cities – Green Vegetal Plant calderas - The principles
Green Vegetal Plant calderas
Presentation of the Green Vegetal Plant Calderas
Manifesto for a partnership between LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV and RAILCOOP
Energy in Confederation / Empire : In the Green Empire of the East and the West , creativity and creation are encouraged, especially in the field of clean energy . It is believed that the best way to spread an invention is to offer it to the world and allow everyone to understand and build it. The unconditional search for the common good, the unlimited sharing of knowledge and resources and then collective intelligence are effective remedies for the ills experienced by society preceding this new era.
The Green Empire of the East and the West facilitates the sharing of knowledge through exhibitions and experiments during meetings in collaborative and creative spaces (LE PAPILLON SOURCE sub-program). It is then difficult for everyone to doubt the relevance of inventions. Thus, people enter into a dynamic of open-mindedness, collective engineering and have the possibility of prolonging the experience by reproducing these inventions on their own. The only way to believe in an experience is to do it yourself.
In the Green Empire of the East and the West, inventors share their discoveries at gatherings around the world instead of seeking fame with their inventions. This is the very principle of "free energy".
Only a few simple technologies are used for localized consumption and for the initiation of major terraforming projects (intense reforestation of all the desert and arid areas of the planet and areas destroyed by cereal crops, livestock farming and previous industrialization. current era):
Piezoelectricity (property that certain materials have of being electrically polarized under the action of a mechanical stress - Use of numerous crystals, within the framework of electrical circuits, mounted in a star, that is to say in series more in parallel in order to design perpetual chargers)
Ferroelectricity (We call ferroelectricity the property according to which a material has an electrical polarization in the spontaneous state - This is particularly the case with iron - The Green Empire of the East and the West uses metallic structures to generate energy by a potential difference but also in order to redirect the static electricity present in the air into the ground, principle of electroculture)
Solar energy
Wind energy
Small-scale hydroelectricity (dams are prohibited for their harmful consequences on the natural course of rivers and rivers as well as the free movement of aquatic living beings)
In the Green Empire of the East and the West, generation of electricity through the plants (microbial cells) is prohibited because it empties them of their vital substance. The chemical and electrical interactions that take place between plant roots and soil bacteria are necessary and sacred for soil fertilization.
Agricultural-fuels / bio-fuels (these fuels made from organic materials) are prohibited for their negative impact on biodiversity and the deforestation they generate.
Finally, fossil fuels are also prohibited.
Generation and treatment of water in the Confederation / Empire : In the Green Empire of the East and the West , the water used is of atmospheric origin . The water is obtained by condensation on large metal plates (cooling them under the dew point 24 hours a day). The constantly produced fresh water allows crops to be irrigated (giant bamboos, high canopy trees, forest gardens in the form of circular groves), supplies artificial lakes, canals (gullies), ecological swimming pools (biological) and tanks for the consumption and sanitary needs of the cities.
All wastewater is 100% recovered and treated in a 100% natural way (passage of water through several natural phyto-purification / phytoremediation basins before being re-injected clear, filtered and energized into artificial lakes. All the lakes of the cities are interconnected by gullies (canals), so water is constantly circulating.
The use of underground water (water tables) is prohibited for agricultural activities and the various projects undertaken by the Green Empire of the East and the West.
Agriculture in the Confederation / Empire : In the Green Empire of the East and the West, non-commercial subsistence agriculture is carried out . The food produced is consumed on site. Surplus production is distributed free of charge to vulnerable populations in the surrounding area, either directly or through associations.
There are mixed crops (orchards + market gardeners) as well as beekeeping.
Cereals are not cultivated because they take up too much space. There is also
no breeding or fish farming because we do not consume food of animal origin.
The products are all of wild strain and old varieties (that is to say, non-hybrid: therefore having the capacity to reproduce by generating their own seeds and possessing nutritional values as well as a much higher bioenergetic contribution). It is particularly produced from super fruits / vegetables / plants (highly nutritious and complete) + high quality honey.
The principle is to produce according to the processes of agroecology , permaculture
, electro-culture , magneto-culture , sound puncture
(sending specific frequencies) and biodynamics (taking into account electromagnetic
waves , of terrestrial telluric forces , the cosmic forces ,
the water cycle , the eco systemic services , the associations
and the interconnection of plants, etc. without the use of artificial
inputs: pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, synthetic fertilizers). We also
take into account the impact of waveforms on plants and more generally
speaking on living beings.
Throughout the Green Empire of the East and the West,
stimulating, educational and fun attractions are organized in magnificent
multifunctional tourist cities (LE PAPILLON
SOURCE sub-program) around the many nourishing and
self-regulating forest gardens.
The Green Empire of the East and the West
raises awareness of the concept of "living system".
Technologies used in Confederation / Empire : In the Green Empire of the East and the West, technology is kept to a minimum . Only certain simple or even very simple technologies (solar panels, wind turbine generators, hydroelectricity generators, piezoelectricity and ferroelectricity) are used for the production of energy. One of the most useful applications is the cooling of metal plates for the purpose of generating atmospheric water by condensation.
However, the cooling of the metal plates below the dew point is achieved by the use of beta type Stirling engines which are capable of generating instantaneous cooling (down to -200 ° C) of the water (containing an antifreeze). This water circulates in a pipe in contact with the plates.
Energy is most often stored in supercapacitors (a device that allows energy to be stored and released very quickly).
Food in Confederation / Empire : In the Green Empire of the East and the West , people understand that all foods emit vibrations . The body needs a healthy, balanced diet that vibrates at a certain frequency to stay healthy. All the foods and drinks that vibrate at 12,000 Bovis units and more bring energy: these are biogenic and bioactive foods; whereas any food or drink that vibrates below this limit takes away energy: these are biostatic and biocidal foods.
The Green Empire of the East and the West promotes and values biogenic and bioactive foods. This is why the populations eat exclusively fresh uncooked fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, certain roots and rhizomes as well as honey.
Biogenic and bioactive foods form the category of living foods. They were intended by nature to ensure life and human well-being. Their consumption provides vital energy and health at any age. Biogenic and bioactive foods only have these positive effects on our body. These foods give / generate life and bring a lot of vitality. They are living foods.
Conversely, the Green Empire of the East and the West prohibits biocidal foods and advises against biostatic foods.
All biocidal foods have lost vital energy. Not only that they have no interest in the organism, but they load it with toxins and make it sick. These are very acidifying or acidic foods. They are composed of empty calories which provide lots of bad fats / sugars which have lost all of their micronutrients. They cause a rapid breakdown of vital functioning and lead to the premature aging of the cells in our body.
Biostatic foods are partly unhealthy and can be harmful (not all). The main problem is that they do not provide all the vitality and all the micronutrients that our bodies need to function optimally. Natural cooked foods (fruits and vegetables, seeds, animal proteins) do not predispose the body to disease, but also do not help improve health. These foods slow down life. They are neutral foods.
Health in the Confederation / Empire : The Green Empire of the East and the West invites citizens around the world to adopt a lifestyle that meets their needs , to strengthen their immune barriers, to drain humoral overloads, to better manage their emotions and their stress and to regain their self-healing power in all so-called functional diseases.
The Green Empire of the East and the West adopted naturopathy as its medicine. True holistic medicine, naturopathy has a dimension that is both curative and above all preventive. In the sense of true prevention, that which aims to maintain an optimal state of health by all the means that nature makes available.
Generally speaking, instead of focusing on the symptoms of evil, Green Empire of the East and the West’s Holistic therapy treats humans on many levels. It is based on energy approaches (quantum medicine, Chinese medicine, magnetisms (magnets, geobiology, etc.), mental (analytical or not, such as cognitive-behavioral therapies), environmental (ecology), sociocultural (impact of the media, education, art…), transpersonal (or spiritual) and obviously physical.
Within the Green Empire of the East and the West, the thought is that the body, like a musical instrument, can sometimes go out of tune. This is why the therapists of the Green Empire of the East and the West in particular use of beneficial electromagnetic waves (such as pulsed electromagnetic fields) as well as positive sound frequencies (some sounds and high vibrational music) to treat several pathologies.
Since medicine is primarily preventive, diet plays a crucial role. This is why it only includes biogenic and bioactive foods.
Environment and forest governance : Within the Green Empire of the East and the West, new forests rich in biodiversity are being shaped by practices such as the edible forest-garden (Permaculture technique) and Terra Preta (black soil carbon-rich containing large amounts of charcoal). The edible forest garden is the art of imitating forest development with edible species to return to the Garden of Eden and achieve food self-sufficiency.
In the Green Empire of the East and the West, we create forests rich in biodiversity and very mainly edible from Polycultures (orchards and market gardeners) then we transform the natural forests of the whole world into food forests by the sowing of very many edible, fruit and honey plant species in existing ecosystems.
The thought is that nature is much more productive than the extensive agriculture practiced in the previous era, and the natural state of the earth is the forest. Through this process, the Green Empire of the East and the West achieves and maintains food self-sufficiency throughout the world and dramatically increases biodiversity.
The object is therefore to progressively "terraform" the planet, transforming it into a forest planet (reaching a forest plant cover of 90% of the world's land area), a bit like the moon of Endor in the STAR WARS fiction universe. This area is very important knowing that 4 centuries preceding this new era, 66% of the land was covered with forest. The century before this one, this area had fallen to only 30%.
Natural and positive atmospheric geoengineering : The solutions adopted by the Green Empire of the East and the West are all simple and 100% natural . The geoengineering of the Empire is based on the installation and use of ground devices.
Establishment in many places of Green / Vegetal / Plant Calderas (assembled vertical metal structures which are covered with climbing plants and which integrate an assembly of plants, shrubs and trees selected for their characteristics and properties as well as a certain number of electroculture / magnetoculture devices and generation of atmospheric water. These pioneering humidity generators related structures emit in their environment of electromagnetic waves benefactors. Their form fields (wave-shaped) are also benefactors. When several Green / Vegetal / Plant Calderas are installed on an area, it automatically creates a local microclimate. Particular distributions make it possible to generate currents of cool and humid air, which allows rapid and intense revegetation of a large area.
Planting of trees, shrubs and plants selected for their characteristics and properties in more or less compact blocks of 60m in diameter (agricultural groves) . According to the plan of the garden-forest (a concept of Permaculture), these are arranged so that there is a total of 7 distinct floors of vegetation, including a more or less high canopy made up of fruit trees or not fruit trees. When several agricultural groves are installed in an area, a local microclimate is also automatically created. Special distributions also allow the generation of cool and humid air currents, which allows rapid and intense revegetation of a large area.
An ingenious arrangement of plant calderas and agricultural groves, according to aerodynamic studies, interconnects the various naturally generated air currents. The fusion of the whole gives birth to real flying rivers (aerodynamic and evapotranspiration phenomenon already observed above the Amazonian forest block and probably on other forest blocks of the planet).
Installation of a large number of electroculture antennas in agricultural groves and Green / Vegetal / Plant Calderas (allows a significant increase in the electrical voltage in the soil, which fertilizes it and increases the resistance of nearby plant species).
Installation of a large number of multifunctional vegetated pyramids of small sizes (generation of beneficial waveforms for nearby plant species) in agricultural groves and Green / Vegetal / Plant Calderas.
Installation of a large number of chembusters / cloudbusters (a kind of energy lightning rods) in agricultural groves and Green / Vegetal / Plant Calderas. These devices have the effect of rebalancing the local climate by boosting the exchange of air masses in the atmosphere (refer to the concept of orgone energy). The chembusters / Cloudbusters transfer orgone negative from the sky to a material located on the ground which absorbs and transmutes into positive orgone. As a result, there is more cloud and rain formation in arid areas and more thinnings in areas that are much too cloudy and rainy.
Creation of numerous networks of artificial channels whose produced water is from an atmospheric source. The devices for generating atmospheric water (by condensation on large metal plates and stone block arrangements) are all located in the heart of agricultural groves (on pyramids) and Green / Vegetal / Plant Calderas (on metal structures and pyramids). Artificial canals connect these different water generation points. The whole forms water grids favoring evapotranspiration and natural agriculture.
Education in the Confederation / Empire : Following the example of the thought of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his work "THE REPUBLIC", the action of the perfect nation is educational. In the Green Empire of the East and the West, a righteous nation educates in virtue. But this educational action is based on fundamental anthropological observation and experimentation.
Nations are only worth what their ambassadors and their citizens are worth. Likewise, the citizens and ambassadors of a nation are also what the nation makes them to be. Thus, in the Green Empire of the East and the West, the rulers (kings-philosophers and chief ambassadors of nations) and their affiliated ambassadors (circles of sages) organize education in such a way that it can produce the best men, women and children, that is to say, fulfilled, learned, virtuous, wise, altruistic and spiritual individuals.
In the Green Empire of East and the West, there is no discrimination. Access to knowledge deemed to be basic in all fields is a universal right. However, the Green Empire of the East and the West having for only currency the exchange of benevolent services, each one must do something useful for the others, the society or the planet (working time useful for the community) in order to be rewarded with access to a deeper knowledge and gradually move towards scholarship.
Metaphysics and fusion between science and spirituality : On the science side, the Green Empire of the East and the West uses in particular the cosmo-telluric forces, the vibrations and the spirit (electromagnetic currents of the atmosphere and the subsoil, the energy of crystals, frequencies as well as waves of form of objects and thoughts) to "terraform" the old world in perdition, to produce foodstuffs everywhere, to increase the vital potential of water, plants and of all living things in general.
Science misunderstood during the previous era was most often called "magic". However, in the new era of the Green Empire of the East and the West, knowledge has been brought to people around the world who are now fully aware of the mysteries of the universe, the illusion of matter, of the sacredness of the living and of a superior intelligence at the origin of life.
The citizens of the Empire also know the faculties of the mind and are fully aware of the creative power of the subconscious. The observation of nature, the experimentation in the educational tourist cities and agro-climatic complexes of the Empire and their great openness of consciousness allows them to understand many laws unexplained by the science of the old era.
Diplomacy in the Confederation / Empire : The confederation / empire has already started, since October 2017, diplomatic exchanges with certain countries which will not be mentioned yet. Other diplomatic relations will be initiated and currently developed with a large part of the countries of the world as well as decentralized cooperation with all municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants wishing to do so (THE MUNICIPALITIES COUNTER-ATTACK sub-program).
The Green Empire of the East and the West has a real diplomatic action plan to expand throughout the world. Its diplomatic model is Societal diplomacy:
LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV - New international relations and societal diplomacy plan
Societal diplomacy
Future developments in the Confederation / Empire : The confederation / empire will very soon acquire an official flag , passports of active citizen-members and online tools for intellectual, artistic and diplomatic cooperation (interconnected web platforms) accessible to all as well as physical embassies in France and around the world.
The EL4DEV program is an international multidisciplinary, participatory engineering program of general interest. It conveys the values of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), the autonomy and sovereignty of nations.
EL4DEV is based on the functioning of networks and works in the design of processes, tools and alternative and innovative projects with a view to a major societal change.
LE PAPILLON SOURCE is the flagship sub-program of this initiative. It conveys the concept, promotes the ideology and leads the transnational project of construction in all places of innovative infrastructures and showcases.
More specifically, LE PAPILLON SOURCE is an alternative and ethical society project whose foundations and philosophy are inculcated in the participatory design, collective construction and operational management of a set of cities and plant complexes, experimental, agro-climatic, eco-landscaped, agro-tourism, educational, self-managed and interconnected across the world.
Each city / plant complex labelled LE PAPILLON SOURCE will be interconnected with others of the same type (tourist or not) located around the world, in totally different environments (geographic and socio-cultural).
Cultural cooperation connections (setting up of online intellectual / scientific and artistic cooperation events) will be established between all the countries participating in the initiative (thanks to an information system developed by the EL4DEV program) in order to design and build them collectively. All the technical solutions, tools and processes emerging from the collective intelligence of peoples (individuals from all social backgrounds and from all generations) will be shared between nations. It is a transnational decentralized cooperation project. All nations are on an equal footing.
LE PAPILLON SOURCE cities / plant complexes are the vector of gathering and cooperation of individuals around the world as well as the common objective: "The beautiful and perfect places, the cities of refuge of peace, experimental, self-regulated and interconnected represent the goal to be reached for our societies in imbalance."
The particularity is that these multifunctional experimental infrastructures (with an eco-landscape, agro-climatic, educational and tourist function for some) will belong to the international community and not to any shareholders. They will belong to the peoples; and this in every nation.
Each country (specifically individuals and municipalities in these countries) will be able to finance the collaborative design and construction activities of these cities / complexes (whether they are tourist sites or simply aimed at regenerating degraded local ecosystems) thanks to a cross-national intermunicipal program named "THE MUNICIPALITIES COUNTER-ATTACK".
The concept of THE MUNICIPALITIES COUNTER-ATTACK is simple; We encourage and invite the municipalities, in particular the smallest and the most isolated (less than 5000 inhabitants), to unite, to cooperate, to group together in National Economic Interest Groups with a 100% societal vocation (this is that is to say of general interest) , in order to co-finance in unified groups the development (participatory design + collective construction) and the operation (management + maintenance) of these cities and complexes.
The financing, design and construction of these infrastructures are modular and therefore take place in successive blocks / stages. The initiation of the process of establishing a city / complex in a designated locality is systematically done by the upstream construction of one or more vertical plant structures called "THE GREEN / VEGETAL / PLANT CALDERAS".
The GREEN / VEGETAL / PLANT CALDERAS are phase N°1 of implantation. These are vertical and self-regulated agricultural eco-landscaped parks that can be visited in 3 dimensions (humidity generators by evapotranspiration of plant species included, tools to fight against the destruction of biodiversity and deforestation, spaces of refuge and well-being for birds and bees, places of relaxation and reconnection with nature for visitors, tools for protection against harmful electromagnetic waves, space for agricultural production of old and wild varieties using alternative techniques). These are the key modules of LE PAPILLON SOURCE cities / complexes.
Collective financing of infrastructure is being done gradually. The financing capacities evolve with the increase in the number of municipalities integrating the EIGs. The more the number of municipalities increases, the more the collective financing capacity of an EIG increases, the more the infrastructures can be important in size / surface or simply in number (located in various places).
The interest of participatory financing of municipalities: the infrastructures built will belong to these inter-municipal and societal economic interest groups. These general interest EIGs will be the only beneficiaries of the tourist economic benefits derived from the economic model of cities and plant complexes. The inhabitants of the municipalities as well as the Internet users will also be able to bring their stones to the building by co-financing the development of infrastructures via the many online crowdfunding platforms or simply via the website of the EL4DEV program.
Management contracts established between EIG and the think tank (French 1901 law non-profit organization) named LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV (residing at present in the town of Léognan, Gironde, Aquitaine New) leads them to automatically transform business profits in various projects solidarity and local environment so that local populations are the ultimate beneficiaries .
The agricultural production of cities / plant complexes (fruits, vegetables, medicinal plants and honey) will be distributed to the most vulnerable local populations (uniformly distributed among the municipalities that are members of the EIGs) or to local or national charitable associations .
These cities and complexes will also be sources of employment and major tourist attractions for the localities in which they will be located.
There will be only one EIG per country. Each country will have its own national EIG bringing together all the municipalities that have chosen to follow the dynamic.
LE PAPILLON SOURCE is therefore not an investment project in the various countries in which it will be established but a real project for a respectful and balanced alternative society, a process of international cooperation, the empowerment of each nation and then the distribution of wealth locally, nationally and internationally.
It is also a project of inclusion, cohesion and social peace for local populations and then of opening up and international influence for small isolated and asphyxiated communities around the world.
We are continually seeking funds to develop this transformative program. This is done in particular by soliciting patrons and sponsors that we select internationally.
The EL4DEV program is not-for-profit but nevertheless has an economic model to ensure its self-financing.
Funding can be achieved in successive stages because EL4DEV is a multi-lever process, in other words a mechanism with several wheels. When a step is activated, the next step is automatically activated. The more we advance, the more the interlocking becomes simpler.
As of today, we need the involvement of visionary municipalities adhering to the values of the social and solidarity economy and then looking for alternative development methods and national and international visibility.
We plan to interconnect as many rural municipalities as possible in France and around the world. This is therefore a call to join this international dynamic that we call “SECOND RENAISSANCE MOVEMENT”.
Transnational participatory multidisciplinary engineering program
Positive geoengineering and terra training program
Positive social engineering program
Wealth redistribution program
National cohesion and social peace program
International cooperation and peace program
Reform political and diplomatic program
Educational program through experimentation
Supranational organization with multiple entities acting for public order and a return to spirituality
Mechanism / process for building a new global civil society
The Grand White Paper of the Think and Do Tank LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV, a new Intellectual Start-up and Social Innovation Lab with international action and concrete action plans.
A 117-page book, 100% FREE to view and/or download online (no forms, no email request).
A Mechanism of National Cohesion for a Profound Transformation of Individuals, Communes/Municipalities, and Nations.
Fundamental Principles of a Concrete Solution to Societal Challenges.
#thinktank #startup #solution #idea #laboratory #change #society #peace #international #development #transformation #project #plan
"Welcome to a fascinating journey through the revolutionary initiatives of the Think and Do Tank LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV. This book, a compilation of information sheets, aims to be an instructive and indispensable guide for anyone wishing to understand and participate in the profound transformation of our world. Through social and environmental innovation, we invite you to discover how we can, together, reshape our societies for a better future."
Book in HTML format for viewing online
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view online in PDF format)
EL4DEV PDF platform
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LinkTree (all my blogs in French, English and Spanish)
My books (in French, English and Spanish)
Presentation of the founder and program director
Open letters
Action plan and projects
Live-Action Role Playing Game (LARP) in Alternate Reality: Green Empire of the East and the West
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Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART
Founder, chief engineer and director of the participatory and socio-political multidisciplinary engineering program "EL4DEV"
Founder, chief engineer and director of the sub-program of interconnected tourist towns and agro-climatic eco-landscape structures "LE PAPILLON SOURCE"
Founder, chief engineer and director of the decentralized inter-municipal cooperation sub-program "THE MUNICIPALITIES COUNTER-ATTACK"
Founder and chief engineer of vertical eco-landscaped structures that generate humidity and microclimates called "THE GREEN / VEGETAL / PLANT CALDERAS"
Founder of the concept of "SOCIETAL DIPLOMACY"
Founder of the “Second Renaissance movement EL4DEV”
Designer of the EL4DEV Information System and the EL4DEV Strategic Deployment Tool
Founder and president of the French non-profit organization named "LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV" (Think tank)
Designer of the universe of the EL4DEV Confederation otherwise called the Green Empire of the East and the West
Publisher of literary works based on the universe of the EL4DEV Confederation otherwise called the Green Empire of the East and the West
E-mail 1:
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“The future is not what will happen, but what we will do."
“The beautiful and perfect places, the cities of refuge of peace, experimental, self-regulated and interconnected represent the goal to be reached for our societies in imbalance."
“No speech can give certainty; everything should be based on experience. Experimentation is the only source of certainty. It makes it possible to remove the four general causes of human error: the fact of hiding one's own ignorance, the examples of fragile and unworthy authorities, the weight of bad habits, then finally, vulgar prejudices."
“All the states of the world are born out of factual situations which have subsequently been made legal."
“When a concept is created and disseminated, it irremediably fills up."